Program 2014
This year’s Summit theme is “Mapping the African Infrastructure Landscape”. Developing infrastructure helps businesses thrive and economies to flourish. Investment in infrastructure accounts for over half of the recent economic growth in Africa. And the current infrastructure deficit provides many more investment opportunities, several of which the speakers will share in today’s discussions. Following the opening plenary discussions, specific sessions will address the infrastructure landscape in the oil and gas, renewable energy, impact investment and agribusiness and aquaculture industries.
Registration, Coffee and Tea
Plenary Session Part I
Welcoming Remarks
Keynote Speech
Presenting the Africa Energy Outlook
African Infrastructure – Current Status and Looking Ahead
Networking Break
Plenary Session Part II
Africa’s Infrastructure Deficit Equals Opportunities
Panel Discussion: Opportunities in Africa’s Infrastructure Deficit
Panel Discussion :Financing Infrastructure
Networking Lunch
Special Sessions
Session I - Impact Investment
Session II - Agribusiness & Aquaculture
Session III - Renewable Energy
Session IV - Oil & Gas in West Africa
Speed Meetings
Sign up for speed meetings during the breaks to meet:
African and Norwegian Ambassadors/Embassy Representatives (20+ Embassies)
Eksportkreditt Norge and GIEK (Guarantee Institute for Export Credit)
Information Office for Private Sector Development in Developing Countries
Comet Consular Services
National OECD Contact Point, Norway